Installing CoWarp in Cocoon is very easy, just drop the CoWarp jar file into Cocoon (WEB-INF/lib) and that's it.
The first task you have to do is to configure CoWarp's application manager in the cocoon.xconf. Add the following XML to the cocoon.xconf (for 2.1.x) or create a new cowarp.xconf file and put it into the WEB-INF/xconf directory (for 2.2):
... <!-- CoWarp's application manager: --> <component role="org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager" class="org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager"/> ...
Cowarp comes with several sitemap components that are very useful. If you want to use them add the following actions to the sitemap where you want to use Cowarp - the best place is to add them to the root sitemap where most actions are defined:
... <map:action name="cowarp-is-logged-in" src="org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LoggedInAction"/> <map:action name="cowarp-login" src="org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LoginAction"/> <map:action name="cowarp-logout" src="org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LogoutAction"/> ...