APPLICATION - Static variable in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
The string used to store the application in the object model.
APPLICATION_DATA - Static variable in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
The string used to store the application data in the object model .
APPLICATION_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
The prefix used to store the application data object in the session.
AnonymousSecurityHandler - class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.AnonymousSecurityHandler.
This security handlers doesn't check any credentials of the user.
AnonymousSecurityHandler() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.AnonymousSecurityHandler
Application - interface org.osoco.cowarp.Application.
This class describes the current application.
ApplicationManager - interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager.
This is the central component of CoWarp.
ApplicationStore - interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationStore.
This component loads/saves application data for a user.
ApplicationUtil - class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil.
Utility class that can be used from flow to access the different application functions of CoWarp.
ApplicationUtil() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
act(Redirector, SourceResolver, Map, String, Parameters) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LoggedInAction
act(Redirector, SourceResolver, Map, String, Parameters) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LoginAction
act(Redirector, SourceResolver, Map, String, Parameters) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LogoutAction
attributeName - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
The temporary attribute used to store the uri.
attributes - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
attributes - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
The user attributes.


calculateContextInfo() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser
config - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
configure(Configuration) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
configure(Configuration) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
configure(Configuration) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.StandardPortalApplication
configureAttributes(Configuration) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
This method is invoked during configuration of the application.
context - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
The Avalon context.
context - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser
context - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
context - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler.ServletUser
context - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler
The component context
context - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
The component context.
context - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl
The component context.
contextualize(Context) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
contextualize(Context) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
contextualize(Context) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler
contextualize(Context) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
contextualize(Context) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl
copletInstanceData - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
The coplet instance data.
counter - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.LoginInfo
createUser(Request) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler


decUsageCounter() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.LoginInfo
dispose() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
dispose() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
dispose() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager


endDocument() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer


getApplication(Map) - Static method in class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
Return the current application.
getApplication() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
Return the current application.
getApplication(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
getApplicationStore() - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.Application
Return the application store for loading/saving user specific data.
getApplicationStore() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.Application
Get the value of an application attribute.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Get information about the user.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Return all available names.
getData(Map) - Static method in class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
Return the current user data.
getData() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
Return the current user data.
getId() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Return the unique id of this user.
getLink(String, String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
Absolutize the link.
getPortalConfiguration() - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.portal.PortalApplication
Return the configuration for the portal.
getPortalConfiguration() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.StandardPortalApplication
getPrincipal() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler.ServletUser
getSecurityHandler() - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.Application
Return the security handler of this application.
getSecurityHandler() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
getUser(Map) - Static method in class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
Return the current user.
getUser() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationUtil
Return the current user.
getUser() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.LoginInfo
getUserInfo() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser
getUserInfo(String, String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl


HANDLER_CONFIG_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
This prefix is used to lookup security handlers.
HTMLEventTransformer - class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer.
A new transformer that is not finished yet.
HTMLEventTransformer() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
handleTag(String, Attributes, boolean, String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
Handle a link/reference.
handler - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
The security handler.


id - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
The unique id of the user.
incUsageCounter() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.LoginInfo
isLoggedIn(String) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
Test, if the current user is already logged into the application.
isLoggedIn(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
isUsed() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.LoginInfo
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Check if the user is in a given role.
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler.ServletUser
isUserInRole(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl.CowarpUserInfo
isValidAuthenticationDocument(Document) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
Check if this is a valid document.


jxPath - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
The jxpath for the attribute.


LINK_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
Default prefix for links to resources (images etc.).
LOGIN_CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
The key for parameters in the login context.
LOGIN_INFO_KEY - Static variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
The key used to store the login information in the session.
LOGOUT_CONTEXT_MODE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
The key for the logout method in the logout context.
LOGOUT_CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
The key for parameters in the logout context.
LOGOUT_MODE_KEEP_SESSION - Static variable in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
logout mode: don't terminate the session.
LOGOUT_MODE_TERMINATE_SESSION_IF_UNUSED - Static variable in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
logout mode: terminate session if the user is not logged into any application anymore (default).
LoggedInAction - class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LoggedInAction.
This action tests if the user is logged in for a given application.
LoggedInAction() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LoggedInAction
LoginAction - class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LoginAction.
This action logs the current user into a given application.
LoginAction() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LoginAction
LoginInfo - class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.LoginInfo.
This class keeps track of the number of applications a user is logged into using the same security handler.
LoginInfo(User) - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.LoginInfo
LogoutAction - class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LogoutAction.
This action logs the current user out of a given application.
LogoutAction() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.acting.LogoutAction
linkNeedsRewrite(String, Attributes) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
External links, anchors and links like mailto or links using different protocols like ftp are not rewritten.
linkPrefix - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
The prefix for links to resources.
loadApplicationData(User, Application) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationStore
Load data for the given user and application.
login(String, Map) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
Log the user in to the application.
login(Map) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.SecurityHandler
Try to authenticate the user.
login(Map) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.AnonymousSecurityHandler
login(Map) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
login(Map) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler
login(String, Map) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
logout(String, Map) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
Logout the user from an application.
logout(Map, User) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.SecurityHandler
This notifies the security-handler that a user logs out.
logout(Map, User) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.AnonymousSecurityHandler
logout(Map, User) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
logout(Map, User) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler
logout(String, Map) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager


manager - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
The service manager.
manager - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
The service manager
manager - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
The service manager.


NAMESPACE_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
Default namespace prefix.
namespace - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
The namespace for the generated link events.
namespacePrefix - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
The prefix for the generated link events.
number - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.AnonymousSecurityHandler


org.osoco.cowarp - package org.osoco.cowarp
org.osoco.cowarp.acting - package org.osoco.cowarp.acting
org.osoco.cowarp.impl - package org.osoco.cowarp.impl
org.osoco.cowarp.portal - package org.osoco.cowarp.portal
org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation - package org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation


PipelineSecurityHandler - class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.
Verify if a user can be authenticated.
PipelineSecurityHandler() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser - class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser.
PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser(Document, String, Context) - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser
PortalApplication - interface org.osoco.cowarp.portal.PortalApplication.
The current portal application.
portalConfig - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.StandardPortalApplication
The configuration.
principal - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler.ServletUser


recycle() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
removeAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.Application
Remove an application attribute.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Remove an information about the user.
resolver - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
The source resolver
rewriteAbsoluteLinks - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
Rewrite absolut links.
roles - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Cache the roles info.
roles - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser


STORE_CONFIG_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
This prefix is used to lookup application stores.
SecurityHandler - interface org.osoco.cowarp.SecurityHandler.
The Security Handler A security handler is the connection between the web application and the backend system managing the users.
ServletSecurityHandler - class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler.
Verify if a user can be authenticated.
ServletSecurityHandler() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler
ServletSecurityHandler.ServletUser - class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler.ServletUser.
ServletSecurityHandler.ServletUser(Context, Request) - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.ServletSecurityHandler.ServletUser
StandardApplication - class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication.
This is the default implementation for an Application.
StandardApplication() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
StandardApplicationManager - class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager.
This is the default implementation of the ApplicationManager.
StandardApplicationManager() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
StandardPortalApplication - class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.StandardPortalApplication.
This is a default implementation for a portal application.
StandardPortalApplication() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.StandardPortalApplication
saveApplicationData(User, Application, Object) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationStore
Save the data for the given user and application.
service(ServiceManager) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
service(ServiceManager) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler
service(ServiceManager) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.StandardApplicationManager
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.Application
Set an application attribute.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Set an information about the user.
setup(SourceResolver, Map, String, Parameters) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
startDocument() - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.transformation.HTMLEventTransformer
store - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
Application store.


USER - Static variable in interface org.osoco.cowarp.ApplicationManager
The string used to store the user in the object model and the prefix for the session.
User - class org.osoco.cowarp.User.
This object represents the current user.
User(String) - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Create a new user object.
User() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.User
Create a new user object.
UserInfoProviderImpl - class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl.
Get the information about the current user.
UserInfoProviderImpl() - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl
UserInfoProviderImpl.CowarpUserInfo - class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl.CowarpUserInfo.
UserInfoProviderImpl.CowarpUserInfo(String, String, User) - Constructor for class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl.CowarpUserInfo
Create a new user info object.
user - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.LoginInfo
user - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.UserInfoProviderImpl.CowarpUserInfo
The CoWarp user object.
userDidLogin(User) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.Application
Notify the application about a successful login of a user.
userDidLogin(User) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
userDidLogin(User) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.StandardPortalApplication
userInfo - Variable in class org.osoco.cowarp.impl.PipelineSecurityHandler.PipelineSHUser
userWillLogout(User) - Method in interface org.osoco.cowarp.Application
Notify the application about a logout of a user.
userWillLogout(User) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.StandardApplication
userWillLogout(User) - Method in class org.osoco.cowarp.portal.StandardPortalApplication


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